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2024 Member’s Challenge

To mark the opening of its Electronics Lab, the Centre de production DAÏMÔN team has drawn inspiration from the art of circuit-bending to bring you the 2024 members’ challenge, INTERVENTIONS: ELECTRONICS CHALLENGE. You’re invited to reinvent an electronic object, modifying its function to turn it into a work of art!

No experience? No problem!

From April 1rst to 30th, 2024, the Electronics Lab will be at your disposal (reservation required), and our team will host an introductory (and inspirational!) circuit-bending session and accompanying workshop. A youth discovery workshop will also be offered later in May 2024.


    To register for workshops, book time in our Electronics Lab or for any other questions, please contact us at:

    To learn more about circuit-bending, we invite you to watch the following video: .

    The Centre de production DAÏMÔN wishes to thank the Centre d’artistes AXENÉO7, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Conseil des arts et lettres du Québec and the Ville de Gatineau, precious collaborators in this Member’s Challenge and exhibition.